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How to enrol your child

  1. Complete an Enrolment Application form to start the enrolment process.
  2. Submit the following documents with your application:
  • Proof of Address – Current rates notice or current lease agreement (lease greater than six (6) months)
  • Two (2) pieces of evidence of their usual place of residence (recent utility account, gas, water, etc.)
  • Driver’s licence or Passport of parent/guardian completing the application
  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunisation Statement (no more than two (2) months old)
  • Most recent school report
  • If applicable, court orders or documentation showing the enrolling adult is the legal guardian.
  • If applicable, documentation relating to any diagnosed learning difficulty or medical condition.

If the student was not born in Australia, the following documents must be provided:

  • Evidence of the date of entry into Australia
  • Passport or travel documents
  • Current visas and previous visas (if applicable).

NB:  The Department of Education requires that any information on suspensions and exclusions be provided to the school when applying to enrol a child. This information will help the College provide your child with the appropriate support. Children currently suspended from a government school cannot be enrolled at another government school until the suspension period ends. Children who have previously been suspended or excluded from a government school may be required to enter into a behaviour management agreement with the school if enrolment is accepted.

**Submitting an Enrolment Application does not mean the College has accepted enrolment.

For further information, please call the College Administration Office on 6207 1300 or email